In order to observe the effectivity of agnihotra farming system over modern farming system, a number of experiments were conducted by different scientists, farmers in different Vedic research oriented Institutes/Agril Universities/Agril Research Stations. Some important ones are discussed as under in brief.
The soil of Agnihotra Bhavan premises was severely salt affected and nothing could be grown during the year 1988 when it was purchased for the construction of Agnihotra Bhavan (Agni Mandir). The seeds sown in the soil did not germinate at all and the nursery plants planted also did not survive. Daily practice of agnihotra was started in the middle of the premises followed by periodical Vyahuruti and Mahamirtunjay yajnya from the day of inauguration of Agnihotra Bhavan (Oct 19, 1989). The salt affected soil was first of all treated with a mixture of agnihotra ash+ cow's urine+ cow's dung+water in the ratio of 2:1:1:4, respectively, cow's dung manure @100 kg/ha mixed well with 5 kg agnihotra ash and 5 litres of cow's urine was also spread over the land before the pre sowing and preplanting irrigation. Ten days after soil treatment, the seedlings of different vegetable crops like brinjal, tomato, cucurbits were planted. Some ornamental plants were also planted. The growth and vigour of the plants was poor and yield obtained from vegetable crops was also not upto the mark, even then, the survival of plants in severely salt affected soil was encouraging and thereafter continued efforts were made to raise normal crops including fruit trees and ornamental plants. Agnihotra followed by Vyahuruti and Mahamirtunjay yajnaya was practised regularly without any fail and just in 3 years time, the performance of the crops grown as well as vigour and growth of fruit tree and ornamental plants were amazing and miraculous.
Today the soil of not only in the premises of Agnihotra Bhavan bu the entire neighbouring areas has become fertile where any crop may be raised successfully. Agnihotra indicates a view of Agnihotr Bhavan which is full of useful microbial activities leading to well developed green plants, fruits and flowers.
An experiment taking a popular variety, K 816 of wheat was conducted. The crop was raised as per recommended practices of Agnihotra Farming System and Modern Farming System separately. The controlled plots were also kept for the comparison The results revealed an increase of about 20-25 percent in crop yield in Agnihotra Farming System (AFS) and Modern Farming System (MFS) over the control.
It is important to mention here that no chemical fertilizer pesticides, weedicides etc were used except the cow's dung manure + cow's urine mixed well with agnihotra ash. The increase in yiek appeared merely due to the energies liberated during the regular performance of agnihotra, Vyahurti and Om Triambakam Yajnya in the centre of the field or agnihotra hut prepared for this purpose.
Another experiment taking the most popular variety namely, Varuna of mustard was conducted, with an objective to test the effectivity of agnihotra ash in controlling severe incidence of Alternaria blight which damage the crop to a great extent Significant control of Alternaria blight in mustard was recorded after treating the seed with a solution prepared from cow's urine and agnihotra ash followed by regular dusting of agnihotra ash on the standing crop as compared to control.
A number of experiments in different vegetables such as Okra, brinjal, tomato and cucurbits were conducted in the premises of agnihotra Bhavan situated at Kanpur. Regular performance of agnihotra followed by Vyahurti and Om Triambakam Yajnya and thereafter seed treatment as recommended in agnihotra farming system followed by regular dusting of agnihotra ash at an interval of 15 days was found significantly superior in realizing higher yield coupled with better quality as compared to the crop raised in modern farming system as well as control. All the crops were also found free from any incidence of diseases, insects and pests.
An experiment to-observe the effects of agnihotra on germination of grape seeds and cuttings was conducted. Data on economic chracters were recorded. Dr. Bhujbal surprisingly observed that Agnihotra Farming System (AFS) could induce a rapid germination in a short period of 21 days as against Modern Farming System (MFS) which took 6 months time for sprouting. Similarly rooting of cuttings showed 100 per cent rooting in agnihotra ash treated cuttings as against 80 per cent rooting in MFS. It was further noted that loss of harvest was nil. The crop was disease free and the colour was optimal, ie, golden yellow with quality TSS 24 per cent in agnihotra ash treated cuttings as compared to 30 per cent loss of harvest and yellow green colour in MFS.
Effect of agnihotra ash paste on air layering in Aonla was studied. Dr. Bhujbal found that the application of agnihotra ash paste (5 g Agnihotra ash+ 5g cow's ghee + 5g honey bee wax) induced rooting to air layers in Aonla to the extent of 70 per cent as compared to 10 cent on application of 1000 ppm IBA in lanolin and 4 percent in control. The survival after separtion was 60 percent in agnihotra ash paste as compared to zero per cent in both the other methods.
Dr. B. G. Bhujbal conducted an experiment on food grain preservation also. He observed the usefulness of agnihotra ash for the storage of food grains like wheat, jowar, pearl millet green gram, chickpea and husked rice. It was noticed that only agnihotra ash and BHC 1% treated grains were effective i keeping the insect attack at zero per cent after 90 days of storing the grains against ordinary ash and control.
Mr. Chauhan and Miss Narvane conducted an experiment and observed an increase in the biomass of earthworm by applicaiton of agnihotra ash during vermic compositing of household waste 50 gm of ash of each of paper, wood unidentified dung and agnihotra ash was added to separate boxe filled with household waste and increase the biomass of earth worm from original 50 g was observed. It was found tha agnihotra ash treated earthworm was increased by 1½ times more than paper ash after 45 days. This concluded the efficacy of agnihotra ash for earthworm growth which in turn act as natural nutrient for increasing soil fertility.
Dr. Potdar and his associates practised agnihotra farming since last 30 years at Madhavashram, Bhopal. Several crops like wheat, gram, soybean, vegetables like tomato, brinjal, lady fingers, potato, onion and cucurbits were grown in the farm of about 10 acres without using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides insecticides and weedicides. Recently a garden including mango guava, aonla, papaya, citrus has been developed following the ideal practices of agnihotra farming.
Daily agnihotra followed by Mahamirtunjay yajnya at full moon day and no-moon day is regularly practised in the middle of the farm without any fail.
As an effect of dailypractice of agnihotra a clean, purified and energetic atmosphere has been created. The entire farm including the campus of Madhavashram appears to be an ideal place for the growth and development of all living beings particularly human, plant and animal life. The soil of the farm is full of energies and nutrients necessary for the growth and development of useful microorganisms which may be justified with upgraded level of soil fertility and an excellent disease and insect pest free condition of standing, crops, vegetables, flowers and fruits grown over here .
The taste, flavour and nutritional values of the products grown here are extraordinarily superior which may be justified by higher market value of the products in comparison of the products of neighbouring areas,
On an average the cost of cultivation of different crops. fruits and vegetables has been estimated to be half as compared to modern farming system. 30-40 per cent increase in the yield level of different crops coupled with a significant improvement in the quality has also been recorded.
Mr. Vidwai made observations in pigeonpea, gram, pea and several vegetable crops which were grown at his farm following the practices of agnihotra farming. Mr Vidwai reported that the performances of the crops particularly pigeonpea and pea grown under agnihotra farming system were outstanding. A plant shown in justifies the disease free crop grown under agnihotra farming system.
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