Here Is Solution To Pollution

Man, Environment And 'Agnihotra'

Environmental degradation or pollution has acquired the global dimension. Each component of the environment (lithosphere, hydrosphere. atmosphere, extra-atmosphere or space and surrounding flora and fauna or biosphere) has been affected adversely. The causal agent of this degradation directly or indirectly is MAN and not any other animal. Unthoughtful exploitation of nature, rapid development of science and technology and exponential growth of industrial sectors and mechanized agriculture, our flow of liquid, solid and gaseous waste products in the environment, enormous increase in number of automobiles causing gaseous and noise pollution, blind deforestation, killing of animals, heavy use of agricultural chemicals in agriculture, perforation of ozone layer on the upper part of atmosphere allowing radiation pollution in atmosphere are the main sources of environmental degradation. Environment has been badly oppressed. tangled and raped by the man and its deeds.

To sustain the eco-balance in nature and maintain the health of biosphere, it is inevitable that science and religion should develop parallel. There must be coordination between science and religion. It has been rightly said by the Great Scientist Albert Einstein that science without religion is lame and religion without science is dumb. But it could not be so, science is marched faster much ahead and the religion left much behind endangering the entire mankind. Not only developed countries but some developing nations with the begging assistance of the developed on the cost their development programmes started to manufacture the nasty weapons. Now a sense of sagacity has prevailed, and we are thinking of destruction of these weapons-stockpiles but to our mind there is no difference between the military use of these weapons and destruction from environmental pollution point of view. Had the religion be coordinated with science, these nasty weapons would not have been manufactured or even thought to be manufactured. It is too late Environment is sure to be polluted. It was not like, that, the science was undeveloped in the reign of SRI RAM and SRI KRISHNA. It was well developed and advanced but in coordination with the religion, environment was conserved and natural balance was sustained. There was no pollution like problem. People were happy materially, environmentally, culturally and spiritually.

First job what a baby does after birth is that he/she pollutes the environment by his/her fecal, urinary excretion and other birth related genital excretory products. Thus the baby begins/his/her life with the pollution and during the entire life span pollutes the environment by solid, liquid and gaseous waste products. It is needless to say that industrial factories by way of their by-products- solid, liquid or gas and sewage effluents which get their ways into rivers cause pollution of the rivers. This aquatic pollution poses a great fatal problem to the aquatic flora and fauna. Heavy metals like lead, titanium and mercury are the main poisonous chemicals which are consumed by the edible fauna (fish) and some flora like algae (Chlorella). These poisonous chemicals are recycled in human. being who consume these edible flora and fauna growing in polluted water and suffer from several diseases. Similar to industrial factories, each human being carries a mobile natural factory (alimentary tract) operating twenty four hours without any recess and pollutes the outer surrounding by his excretion (faeces, urine and gases) all around. Alongwith increase in the human population, there is automatic increase in these mobile factories and simultaneous increase in the environmental pollution. Man himself is the biggest pollutant. This is what, whenever and who ever talks about biosphere reserve, its conservation and preservation, one never includes man who is the biggest fauna on the earth. We always talk to limit and control is population. It is fairly said that human population explosion will be in no case less disastrous than the nuclear holocoust.

Relationship of Man with the environment can be correctly compared with the bacterium (microflora) growing in medium in a test tube environment. After a lag period of growth, there is exponential growth and multiplications followed by static phase and finally death phase. While growing, bacterium excretes waste products in its micro-environment of test tube and this accumulation of waste products (micro environment pollution) becomes the cause of bacterial death. Likewise, environmental pollution for which man is responsible, continues unabated, a time will come this polluted environment may destroy the entire man kind. This is a serious matter to be thought and pondered over. In a further elaboration, when the internal environment of human system (alimentary tract) gets polluted due to constipatory accumation of waste, material, diseased symptoms erupt on the upper portion of the system (mouth) and on the lower portion of the system (anus). Similarly the environmental pollution is showing its disastrous ill symptoms, in the form of earthquakes on the upper part of the earth and seaquakes typhoon on the lower part of the earth. These are the natural disasters and natural massacre which are alarmingly increasing This is a matter of great concern and thinking Man is teasing the nature and creating natural imbalance and nature's pollution. Nature which is more powerful than the man is retaliating in a revengeful manner causing natural massacres in terms of earthquakes, seaquakes, air, road, and rail crashes. Think, Think and Think Recent observation of the scientist have shown that sea level is going high and temperature of the atmosphere is increasing. These are other indication of severe natural disaster to be happened.

Application of biocides (insecticides, fungicides. herbicides, reodenticides, nematodicides etc.) in soil has been a common practice in modern day agriculture. These man made chemicals are biodegraded in soil. Volatile ingredients of these compounds especially hologen like chlorine, bromine and iodine reach atmosphere and pollutes it. Some of these agricultural chemicals are quite persistent in nature and cause damage to the useful micro-organism of soil. These cidal chemicals may also reach the food chain through absorption by food crops and may harm mankind. It is high time for the agricultural scientists to develop such a technology which should not only be economically feasible and socially acceptable but also ecologically sound.

As compared to other components of the environment, pollution of atmosphere is of greater concern. Atmospheric pollution may be chemical, microbial and radiative in nature. Gaseous waste products blowing out of the Chimmneys of the industries consisting of sulphur dioxide (SO2), sulphur trioxide (SO3) carbon mono-oxide (CO), chlorine, bromine and iodine (CI Br and I) etc. add to the chemical pollution of the atmosphere. Not only gaseous waste products but the volatile substances from solid and liquid waste products on the earth add to this gaseous pollution of the atmosphere. Putrefaction and rotting of these accumulated garbage on the earth generates a number of harmful micro- organisms which alongwith dust particles add to the micro-bial pollution of the atmosphere. These pathogens may cause bronchial and pulmonary dis-orders in human being. Besides chemical and microbial pollution of the atmosphere, radiation pollution of the atmosphere is of more serious nature. Radiation pollution is due to ultraviolet rays (invisible rays) of the light spectrum of sun reaching to the earth. A group of international scientist in coordination with NASA [National Aeronautics space Agency, USA] has indicated that ozone [03] layer in the atmosphere is being perforated possibly because of man-made chemical pollution of the atmosphere. Ozone layer is found in the atmosphere about 15-20 km away from the earth This layer filters out the invisible rays of light spectrum and only the visible rays are allowed to reach on the earth. In normal course only 2% of the ultra-violet rays reaches to the earth. Visible light coming to the earth is the basis of food biosynthesis through plant photosynthesis, on which life on earth exists. Invisible rays i.e, UV-rays, X-ray, gamma ray and infrared rays are lethal to animal and plant life. If ozone layer continued to be perforated due to pollution, invisible rays particularly U-V ray will reach to the earth in uncontrolled copious proportion and may cause skin cancer and severe crop damage. Invisible radiation also causes temporary and permanent mutation in genome of flora and fauna of the earth. If things go unabated, possibility of evolution of crippled biosphere can not be ruled out in the years to come. Man has not spared even the space. The garbage and wreckage of man made satellites and space crafts are suspending in this space. Time itself will tell what these suspended bodies bring about in the environment.

All round pollution in the environment has made us environment concious. This has forced us to think that our basic needs are not only Roti (bread), Kapara (Clothes) and Makan (House) but the environment conservation has been our number one basic need followed by Roti, Kapra and Makan. Environmental degradation and its conservation is a big challenge for the world. How would this challenge be met? There is need to instil consciousness in each and every human being for the environment- its degradation and conservation. Environment conservation programme has to be launched both at Macrolevel and micro-level. Macro level conservation programme includes (a) ban on deforestation (b) massive plantation on deforested barren and wasteland (c) ban on the unnecessary shooting and killing of animal and hirds (d) check on the discharge of sewage sludge and industrial effluents in the rivers (e) construction of sewage treatments plant in all cities and recycling it for crop production [f] Recycling of industrial wastes either to the industries again or to agriculture (g) strict regulation regarding adopting safety measures to prevent gaseous discharge to the atmosphere from the industries.

Conservation of the atmosphere at micro level is of utmost significance and has to be practiced by each human being and each day. This anti polluting practice is religion and science both and has been preached in our 'Vedas' and allied religious scriptures and performed by sages and saints.

This anti polluting religious and scientific practice 'is nothing but the 'Agnihotra'

Agnihotra is the simplest and easily adaptable form of YAJNYA or HOMA. As stated by vedas - the ancient knowledge to mankind, YAJNA or HOMA is bio-energetic phenomenon which purifies polluted earth's atmosphere and polluted manmind granting healthy environment, happiness and prosperity to the mankind.

Methodologically, Agnihotra is the offering (Burning or Ahuti) of some drops of cows's purified butter (Ghee) mixed with a pinch of full-sized rice grain in the fully ablaze fire prepared from dried cow dung contained in the centre of a pyramid shaped copper pot, exactly at sun set and sun rise time uttering one specific VEDIC MANTRA [Sound Vibration] each time.

Agnihotra is not only a religion but a seience too. It was the only method of worship to 'GOD' or nature in vedic period including periods of RAM and SHRI KRISHNA, compulsory for each human being as daily routine business like going two times for meal or two times for toilet. Atmosphere was purified, healed and healthy, man was purified in thought and remained prosperous and happy.

An ancient Sanskrit Poet has very rightly said.

अग्निहोत्र फला वेदाः, शीलवृत्त फलं श्रुतम् ।

रतिपुत्र फला दारा, दत्तभुक्त फलं धनम् ।

Which means that Utility of reading vedas lies in performing Agnihotra, utility of reading SHRUTI lies in being modest. utility of wife lies in her love and giving birth to child and utility of wealth lies in its consumption and gifts. This pious, Shloka of Kalidas clearly envisages the concept of five fold path of prosperity and happiness i.e. YAJNYA (AGNIHOTRA), DAAN (GIET), TAPA (SELF DISCIPLINE), KARMA [deed-purusharth] and SWADHYAY [Self study]. It was all in the right direction until as back as 2500 years ago, when concept of AGNIHOTRA was distorted by some selfish people, so called contractors of religions of the society and living animals and their blood were offered in fire in the name of AGNIHOTRA. This was the class of people who Snatched the right from SHUDRA, and women to read and hear Vedas. They were the people we maltransformed the concept of Varnashram' system, which was originally based on profession [Karm] into birth based Varnashram system. This distorted form of Agnihotra instead of purifying atmosphere started to pollute it. Later God messengers like Gautam Budha, and Sri Mahavir came on the earth. They tried to improve the situation and checked the offering of animals in fire but could not regenerate the Vedic concept of Agnihotra. It was year 1875, when Swami Dayanand Saraswati established Arya Samaj and tried to inculcate the concept of YAJNYA in people but it did not put forward the adaptable and simple form of YAJNYA which could be easily performed by a common man. This Samaj did more the criticise the idol worshipers than it did for YAJNYA or Agnihotra.

SATYA DHARM SANDESHTA MAHANUBHAV SHRI MADHAVJI POTDAR SAHEB regenerated the concept and practice of Agnihotra in man kind in the present era during his resuscitating work of VEDAS. He started his mission of Agnihotra extension in the year 1963 to bring Agnihotra to each home and individual at global level. Mr. Hira Lal Sharma started Agnihotra on Feb. 22, 1963 and he thus, became the first performer of Agnihotra in the world. Feb. 22, 1963 is now celebrated as AGNIHOTRA JAYANTI by Agnihotra performers in the country and abroad.

Postulation Of Purifying Mechanism Of Agnihotra

Purifying mechanism of agnihotra is based on a very complex Bio-physico-chemical-phonetic phenomenon. Vedas ancient knowledge to man kind have revealed only the results of Agnihotra, but the real mechanism is still a mystery. It is our appeal to scientific community to divert their scientific brain energy to reveal the mystery of Agnihotra instead of wasting their energy in experimenting. designing and manufacturing nasty weapons. On the basis of existing knowledge, postulatory mechanism of Agnihotra reaction can be depicted as below.

Infra red (invisible spectrum) and probably red solar rays [visible spectrum] at the sunrise/sunset falls on the side of copper pyramid pot and generate electrons from copper by a process what the scientists call it as a photo-electric effect These electrons have capacity to reduce the compound After the offering [Ahuti] of cows ghee mixed with rice grains carbonic compounds in ghee and rice are oxidized and generate Co, CO2, besides other antimicrobial chemical compounds. Electrons generted from copper with the reaction of solar rays may deoxidze CO2, and CO as-

CO₂-------- C+O₂

CO--------C+O (nescent oxygen)

One molecule of oxygen (O₂) may combine with nescent oxygen (O) and form Ozone (O3).


Similar reactions may take place in atmosphere where CO2 and CO are present. Electrons generated from copper pyramid may be fed back to atmosphere and form 03, (Ozone).

This Ozone may either enrich the ozone layer at the top of atmosphere or heal up the perforated part of the ozone layer. Electrons may also deoxidise the other pollutant gases like SO2 and SO3of the atmosphere to a harmless compound, as



Moisture [H2O] content present in rice grain after burning in agnihotra fire may be broken as



2H (Protons) and electrons may reduce the other pollutant gases or compounds of atmosphere to a harmless or less harmful compounds. A number of compounds liberated from the burning cows ghee may also have a masking effect on the pollutant particles in the atmosphere.

There is another possibility of involvement of electrons [e] and protons [2H] in fixing atmospheric nitrogen [N2] which is unavailable to crop plants to the bound form of nitrogen eg. NH3 by a process what we my call it as photochemical nitrogen fixation. Ammonium nitrogen [NH3] is easily available to crops.


This may be a direct effect of agnihotra to crop plants A reknowned soil scientist Dr. N. R. Dhar has indicated the process of photochemical nitrogen fixation in soil system. This is another aspect of research to workout the possibility of photchemical nitrogen fixation in atmosphere dne to performance of agnihotra.

It is not like that electrons are generated from copper pyramid pot only at the time of agnihotra but phtoelectric effect of solar rays particularly of lower wavelengths continues to occur after or before agnihotra and electrons continuously flow to the atmosphere and purify atmosphere pollution by their reducing or deoxidising property.

Besides some antimicrobial gases have been identified which are released from the oxidation of cows ghee in agnihotra fire. These gases are:-


It's chemical formulae is HCHO. This gas kills vegetative cells of microorganism very quickly than the spores. Humidity and temperature has a pronounced effect on the antimicrobial action of formal-dehyde However, vapours of formaldehyde have limited ability to penetrate the covered surface.

Ethylene Oxide

It is a simple organic compound having the formulae



Ethylene oxide is a unique and powerful killing agent and destroys not only vegetative dells of aerial microflora but also kills resistant spores. Its vapours are highly flamable in air like diethyl ether. In atmosphere, it may react with CO2 and form carbon dioxide-ethylene oxide mixture which is non flamable but has antimicrobial property. Its mode of action is believed to be alkylation reaction with engyme making the latter inactive.





It's chemical formulae is

CH2 - CH

| |

C - C =0

B- propio-lactone has more sporicidal property than the earlier referred gases. Its mode of action is similar to that of ethylene oxides. Its action on microbes is very rapid.

Under a preliminary experiment conducted by the authors 80% reduction in aerobic heterotrophic bacterial flora of the atmosphere was observed in the room where agnihotra is performed in comparison to that place where agnihotra is not performed, similar observations has also been reported by other scientists.

Bio-energy released through agnihotra fire, electrons liberated through photo-electric effect and some gases liberated in some way or the other are associated with ultraviolet rays and other harmful solar rays, changing them to a harmless form. Actual mechanism are still to be worked out by the scientists.

Sound vibration, emerged from uttering Mantras at the agnihotra time coupled with subtle energy liberated from the fire has a pronounced effect in removing mental tension and anxiety ensuring mental peace to the Agnihotris (performer of Agnihotra]. How this happens, it is to be revealed by the CO ordinated experimentation by Phonetician, Neurologists, Psychiatrist and Physicist.

The above discussions clearly show the tremendous purifying effect of agnihotra on badly raped atmosphere by man and its deeds. MAN [Man - Agnihotra =Nil] without Agnihotra is nil and has no right to exist. We can rightly say that AGNIHOTRA = Agnihotra Grants Novel Invisible Healing of oppressed Tangled Raped Atmosphere.

Agnihotra has kin and kith relation with cow as the Man has with environment. Maintaining the harmonious and synergistic relationship among Agnihotra, Cow, Man and Environment is the only religion and science to attain ACME [perfection] in happiness in conjunction with DAAN [gift]. TAPA [self discipline] KARMA (Dead) and Swadhyaya [Self study].

The contribution of Dr. B. R. Gupta Ex. Prof. & Head, Department of soil Science and Agril chemistry in writing this chapter is acknowledged.