The basis of agnihotra farming is the daily performance of agnihotra at the precise time of sunrise and senset in a pyramid shaped copper or clay vessel. A minimum of one person should perform agnihotra daily in the centre of the land where the crops is grown. Method of performing agnihotra is discussed as under in detail.
The are basic things necessary in the performance of agnihotra:
Definite Timing
Cows dung cake fire
Pyramid shaped copper pot of specific size
Offering of raw rice together with pure cow's ghee
Agnihotra is performed at the circadian rhy-thm of sunrise and sunset everyday. The exact time of sunrise and sunset is very important because at sunrise many fires and electricities, ethers and more subtler energies emanating from the sun extend all the way to earth and produce a flood effect. The flood enlivens and purifies everything in the path. The morning agnihotra mantra is the essence of this music. It is the quintessential sound of that flood. At sunset the flood recedes. At sunset time the growth of pathogenic bacteria is alarming and hence agnihotra performed at this time has the bacteriostatic effect on the atmosphere.
Precise timings of local sunrise and sunset may be obtained from Madhav Ashram, Sehore Road, Bairgarh, Bhopal, M.P.
Copper pyramid of a prescribed size is recommended. This size is 14.5 cm x 14.5 cm at the top 5.25 x 5.25 cm at the bottom and 6.5 cm in height. The pyramid shape of the pot is very important. Pyramid powers are well known for the fact that the shape of pyramid accumulates inside it the electromagnetic wave or cosmic waves. This phenomenon has aroused the curiosity of many of the world over for centries now. Several man-hours have so far been spent on researching this unique phenomenon. Finally in 1969 Dr. Amr Gohed reported to the Times of London saying that "The scientist has reached an impasse - the pyramid defies all known laws of science and electronics". Interestingly, the word pyramids originates from the Greek pyr meaning fire and amid meaning centre. It denotes a specific shape having fire or cosmic energies at its centre.
Fire is prepared using dried cow dung cakes in the pyramid shaped pot. The presence of chemicals like Menthol , Ammonia, Phenol, Indol, Formalin enhances the medicinal properties of cow dung. It disinfectant values are well known. Fire should be prepared 8-10 minutes before agnihotra time with either gugal camphor or cotton wicks duly soaked in cows ghee. Pieces are arranged in the pots in such a way that air can circulate and proper combustion is possible. Fire should be ready and ablaze at agnihotra time. There should be no smoke. It should be a flaming fire.
Unbroken full rice grains and cow's ghee without preservative or chemicals is necessary. Only two pinches of rice grains for each time of agnihotra is required. Two drops of cow's ghee is smeared to the rice and two offerings, one after the other are offered to the fire Starting exactly at sunrise time and again two offerings exactly at sunset time.
Suryaya Svaha. Survaya Idam Na Mama
सूर्याय स्वाहा । सूर्याय इदं न मम ।
(Release the first portion of rice smeared with cow's ghee in the fire)
Prajapataye Svaha. Prajapataya Idam Na Mama.
प्रजापतये स्वाहा । प्रजापतये इदं न मम ।
(Release the second portion of rice smeared with cow's ghee in fire)
This completes the morning agnihotra
Agnaye Svaha. Agnaye Idam Na Mama.
अग्नये स्वाहा । अग्नये इदं न मम ।
(Release the first portionof rice smeared with cow's ghee in the fire).
Prajapataye Svaha. Prajapataye Idam Na Mama.
प्रजापतये स्वाहा । प्रजापतये इदं न मम ।
(Release the second portion of rice smeared with cow's ghee in fire)
This completes the evening agnihotra
Mahamirtunjay yajnya may be performed at any time in the same hut prepared for performing the agnihotra. For the practice of Mahamirtunjay yajnya the full-moon day and no moon day is generally preferred. The method to perform this yajnya is as follows.
Vyahuruti homa may be performed in the begning of Mahamirtunjay yajnya as follows.
Bhooh Svaha, Agnaye Idam Na Mama.
भू स्वाहा, अग्नये इदं न मम।
Bhoovah Svaha, Vaiwe Idam Na Mama.
भुवः स्वाहा, वायवे इदं न मम ।
Svah Savaha, Suryaya Idam Na Mama.
स्वः स्वाहा, सूर्याय इदं न मम।
Bhurbhuwah Svaha Svaha, Prajapatye Idam Na Mamma.
भुर्भुवः स्वः स्वाहा, प्रजापतये इदं न मम ।
After chanting each mantra one drop of cow's ghee may be released in the fire
After performing Vyahuruti homa in the begning Mahamirtunjaya yajnya may be started with the following mantr and it may be repeated again and again and may continue till we desire. It may be performed for an hour to 24 hours.
Mantra For Mahamirtunjay Yajnya
ॐ त्र्यंवकंयजामहे सुगन्धिम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारूक मिव वन्धनान् मृर्त्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात स्वाहा।
After saying swaha, a drop of cow's ghee may be released. It may be repeated till we desire. PURNAHUTI at the end of Mahamirtunjay yajnya may be performed with the MANTRAS of Vyhuruti homa as mentioned above.
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